Our SDG-Commitment
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the UN in 2015
All the activities of the Lëtzebuerger Kannerduerf Foundation revolve around its central mission, which is to contribute to creating the necessary conditions for every child to grow up in a stable, safe and caring environment. Analysing these activities from the point of view of sustainability becomes an obvious necessity, because creating a sustainable impact means making a commitment to the future of all children and young people, and especially to those we care for.
In 2020, the Lëtzebuerger Kannerduerf Foundation started a sustainability process to shape its future in a bottom-up process. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the UN in 2015 offer a coherent guideline to improve the lives of all and to preserve the planet for future generations. All stakeholders in our organisation - beneficiaries, staff and administrators - are now rallying around a common goal of increasing our positive impact on the SDGs. This is why SOS Children's Village Luxembourg is committed to putting sustainability at the heart of its development strategy from 2020 onwards, based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The SDGs identified in this process and considered as major factors for us are

Good Health and Well-Being
Mens sana, in corpore sano - Physical and mental health is a fundamental condition for a balanced growth and development of faculties. SOS Children's Village Luxembourg's mission is to accompany the children and young people entrusted to us towards a fulfilling and autonomous life.
We consider each child and adolescent as an individual and provide them with the resources and means considered necessary for their development. We promote the well-being of children and young people so that they have the opportunity to shape their own future. Therefore, on a daily basis, we raise awareness in our SOS families, living groups and structures about the importance of good health and healthy lifestyles. In addition, we regularly organise concrete projects and targeted actions in cooperation with external partners. Within the framework of our specific and therapeutic support measures, we develop support and guidance programmes aimed at, among other things, the mental equilibrium and development of our clients.

Quality Education
Education creates opportunities. Indeed, a good education is a key to success, and gives everyone the necessary background to master the challenges of life. SOS Children's Village Luxembourg is committed to quality education, from early childhood to higher education and preparation for the first job. We support and encourage each child in his or her learning process while taking into account individual challenges. Continuous development through education and training is our goal. Thus, we also promote the employability of young people during their stay at Kannerduerf. In our "pre-vocational training" activity, which is aimed at young people who have not completed their schooling, we combine the acquisition of social skills with practical craft or housekeeping knowledge. Furthermore, the continuous training of our employees is a cornerstone of our organisation's culture. We promote lifelong learning within our community by organising regular internal training courses.

Gender Equality
All different, all equal! SOS Children's Village Luxembourg promotes mutual respect and opposes all forms of discrimination, including gender inequality. In order to give equal opportunities to everyone, be it the children and young people in our care or our employees, we are committed to treating men and women equally and to granting them the same rights and duties, as well as the same opportunities for development. We respect the individuality of each person and strive to offer them all possible support. In our daily work, we ensure that the rights of each individual are respected and we actively promote gender equality among our various target groups. In addition, we regularly participate in anti-discrimination events and initiatives.

Reduced Inequalities
Reducing inequalities strengthens social cohesion, inspires motivation, promotes innovation and contributes to sustainable growth. SOS Children's Village Luxembourg is committed to policies and practices that ensure equal opportunities, non-discrimination and social inclusion for all children and young people. We support children, young people and their families to become fully integrated into society, so that they can find their place and become active adults in and for society.
Our various programmes for educational and therapeutic measures for children, our pre-vocational training and also our support programmes for families and young adults are aimed at reducing inequalities.

Responsible Consumption and Production
SOS Children's Village Luxembourg is a large community that has an important impact on consumption behaviour. Therefore, we are committed to responsible and sustainable consumption and production channels. We evaluate and question our practices and we perceive the impacts of our respective behaviours. We ensure that we consume and produce locally, and we strive to reduce waste. We educate our community to reflect on their habits and uses in terms of consumption, waste generation, environmental and social impact, of the whole value chain of our products, and we motivate our partners to take into account the principles of the sustainable and circular economy.

Climate Action
Our beneficiaries are young people who force us to confront the many questions they have about their future and the future of the planet. "There's no planet B" is a phrase that is close to our hearts and has been internalised by our entire community. Indeed, in order to offer children and young people a secure future, it is essential to take care of the health of the planet. SOS Children's Village Luxembourg is therefore looking at how we can contribute to the fight against climate change. In particular, we are implementing concrete measures to try to reduce our harmful impact in terms of both consumption and mobility. We have also set ourselves a framework for the responsible maintenance of our buildings and infrastructure as well as for the planning and construction of new buildings.

Partnerships for the Goals
" Together we are strong ". All of the above can only be achieved through partnerships. For more than fifty years, SOS Children's Village Luxembourg has been aware of the importance of strong and lasting partnerships and the value that this represents for our community. We constantly benefit from the knowledge, experience and know-how of our partners who support us in many areas. Because of this support and the positive benefits it brings, we try to be an example to other organisations. In turn, we support initiatives with our experience and know-how to help build a world in which young people can develop and build their future in a sustainable way.